今天心情不好, 不知道中了什麼邪,作麼事都不損,這一年都是的一樣,真是.又到了年底
下一年不知道如何,找工作也不找,找到了又一直6666人的,真是的, 作什麼事情都不能作,
今天天氣 暗 暗的心情也是暗暗的,不過股票是上漲, 縣市長選舉選完了,也沒我的事,還是要
自己去找工作,也不為什麼作什麼事都有背後靈,選舉前背後靈很重,選舉選完了背後靈沒有 了, 好奇怪,真奇怪,台北資訊月也有去三天吧,也沒什麼錢去買,今天都在家裡也沒出去,想到什麼就作什麼,家裡也有點亂,想這一年也沒作到我想作的事情吧,一直作都直不好,8月9月都在生病在家裡,生病好了工作也沒有了,真是的,想想下一年計畫作什麼,計畫中的事也沒作好,想想日子也是要過,看一看,想一想,去完成自己想完成的事.

Today, in a bad mood I do not know what is evil in for Mody do not hurt, are the same as this year, really. Went to the end of the year
Do not know how the next year, finding a job is not to find, to find another 6666 people have been really, and for what can not be,
But also to thoroughly look into the northwest seat there was no wind, commonly known as Tang northwest wind, the next year, see if he can better do not know, ha ha
Today the weather is also a secret mood secretly, but the stock is rising, the elections for the election is over, nor do I still have to
Himself looking for work, not why to do something there behind the spirit, soul behind the heavy pre-election, election, finished behind the spirit there is no good strange, really strange, Taipei IT Month went there as a three-day bar, but also no money to buy, have today did not go out at home, what comes to mind on what to do at home is somewhat arbitrary, like this year had not done the things I would like to make it, has always been good for both straight, 8-Yue September are sick At home, sick no good work, really, and think about what to do next year's plan, the plan is also not ready to do, think ahead is to go on, take a look at and think about how to achieve they want to complete things.

自分自身仕事ではなく、なぜそこの精神は、重い中古の背後に魂を選挙、選挙の背後に何かをするの精神の背後に完成がない奇妙な、実際に、台湾のIT今月の奇妙な良いが3日間のバーとしてだけでなく、にはお金を行ったされている購入すると、今日は家で外出していないが、何か自宅で行うに頭に浮かぶの多少は、今年のように私は、常に両方の連続で、8越9月うんざりして良いのだがするようになることを行われていないが任意です。 、を見て、病気は良い仕事を、実際に、家庭では、来年の計画を行うには準備ができて、計画もあると思う、将来について考える上で移動することであり、どう実現すると思う彼らは世の中を完了したい。

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